
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Chocolate Covered Gummy Bears

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Who doesn't like gummy bears? Unfortunately, I'm a grown man and I still have that childhood attachment to them. I wish I could beat it but I think I'm at a loss. Maybe, you can admit to this addiction as well so I don't feel so bad. 

Sadly, enough that is not the only addiction I have, you might of guessed by now that I have an unholy addiction to everything that is chocolate. Yes, it's the dreaded chocolate addiction (not really dreaded but you know what I mean) one but I know I'm not the only one and that's the reason I started this blogging endeavor. Let me put a warning out, if your not addicted to chocolate and start reading this blog, then please don't blame me, when you start feeling funny. Funny with a craving for chocolate that is. If those are you're symptoms, I wouldn't feel so bad because you're in good company. With that said, welcome to the world of chocolate, anything that has an ounce of chocolate will be featured on here. I hope to start quite a collection and assortment of chocolate goodies to inspire you to cut loose from that diet once in awhile and have a piece with me. Please follow my blog on this chocolate journey so I won't feel like the only one having that piece. There that's better!

Getting back to my debut chocolate post, yes it's hard to stop eating gummy bears. Yesterday, when I was cruising the crowded aisles of Central Market (a really fancy H.E.B signature grocery store with tons of upper end grocery items that you can't find at that place called Wal-Mart) I ran into my old friend the gummy bear. Only something was strange about him, he was all covered in chocolate. I got so excited I couldn't up pass paying 6.99 a pound (chocolate is unbelievably expensive, you'd think it's gold but it's not but close) for a nice portion of the little bears. 

I took the little bears home and I just knew they'd be the debut post on this so called chocolate blog. I bit into one. Ok, back up, I admit to biting into one the second I got into my car leaving Central Market, you got me. Back to the story, when I took a bite, I was in pig heaven only this heaven had pigs covered in chocolate. Hey, that gives me another idea for a post. I could do chocolate covered bacon! I told you I had an addiction, it's really bad! 

How do I rank the chocolate gummy bear experience overall, better than your average bear I'd say.. (pun intended). Oh by the way, I will be giving a chocolate ranking to each and every piece of chocolate I post so you know whether it's worth your hard earned money to take a risk and seek it out (although every body's tastes are different so don't take my chocolate for it). 

These chocolate gummy bears come in at a ranking of:
5 out of 10 - which amounts to not quite chocolate heaven but worth a try.

Oh yeah, when a piece gets a 10 - it'll amount to worth it's weight in gold. That will be a hard piece to find because I'm very picky about my chocolate. In the meantime, stay turned and join my blog.